How To Prepare Your South Florida Commercial Property For A Hurricane

Whether it’s your first hurricane season or you’re a seasoned pro, it’s always necessary to plan ahead to protect your home and your family. Commercial properties are no different. Prepare your commercial building in South Florida for hurricane season by getting organized now. It can take weeks or even months for your business to be […]
How To Set A Budget For A Commercial Painting Project

Not sure where to begin when it comes to painting your commercial property? Setting a budget should be one of your first priorities. Without a budget, it’s very likely that you’ll end up spending more in the long run. Budgeting for a commercial painting project can be challenging because there are so many factors involved. […]
How To Know When A Building Needs Concrete Restoration

Paint is not the only thing that keeps your commercial building looking its best. Concrete also plays a major role in the structural support and shape of buildings. Whatever the cause, weathering, aging, water damage, or wear and tear, concrete restoration is a must to maintain your commercial building in peak condition. Regardless of how […]
How to Maintain Your Commercial Building’s Exterior Paint Job

A building’s first impression says a lot to customers. In most cases, its paint does the talking. But, the purpose of paint actually goes beyond aesthetics. Paint acts as a layer that helps protect your building from weather, pests, and water seepage. To keep your building’s exterior paint in the best possible condition, both regular […]
5 Budgeting Tips for Commercial Painting Projects

With pollution, volatile weather, and scorching heat, Florida buildings get a lot of wear and tear. As a commercial building owner in the Sunshine State, it’s necessary to include repaints in your maintenance budget. At Sepi Painting, we have over 28 years of experience assisting commercial building owners with budgeting for their painting projects. To […]
The Best Colors To Paint Your Commercial Property In 2023

Why do color trends matter? Keeping up with color trends can help your commercial properties feel fresh, modern, and more aesthetically pleasing, ultimately increasing their appeal. Design and color trends typically reflect what is going on in the world. We can really see that after these past 2 years as color trends have shifted towards […]
When Is The Best Time To Paint A Commercial Property In Florida?

A quality painting job starts with the right temperature outside. It takes a few days for paint to set, and the weather needs to be consistent for it to dry properly. Because of this, even if it’s nice outside during the day, a cold night could prevent paint from drying as it should. It might […]
What Colors Should You Paint Your Commercial Building’s Exterior?

When selecting the colors for the exterior of your commercial building, you need to take a lot of factors into account. There’s more to choosing a paint color than meets the eye, making it no easy task.
What You Can Do To Prepare The Paint On Your Commercial Building For Hurricane Season

Those of us who live in Miami know just how unpredictable the weather can be throughout the year. We also know that every year you have to prepare for hurricane season before it starts.
Quality Control Checklist for Commercial Painting

If you don’t know what to look for, a bad paint job can be hard to spot. The good news is, a contractor can usually fix most painting errors before wrapping up if you catch them early on in the process.